Tag Archives: Gloucester Rd

Dream Cafe

My Old Friend Kev (from my Fire brigade days ) had been in touch.

Seem’s he was thinking about going on a diet. As a result, he thought of me and decided it was time we went out for Breakfast. Counter intuitive I know but thats how it happened.

He suggested Wednesday which was good for me as Jaki always goes out on a Wednesday.

Initially she used to take her Mum shopping, a few hours at most, but as time went on that became a half day event and now it’s all day, getting home about 6pm.

Now she meets her sister, her niece and often Georgia as well as her Mum and they go out for a Jolly. Which means she takes her Mum out to get her shopping on a Friday or Saturday now and even that takes longer and longer.

last week it took biggest part of two days.

Her excuse was that her Mum fell down the escalator in Tesco and had to be taken to the Minor Injuries Unit at Yate. Then the next day, she had to go to A & E to be checked out.

Now I know that falling down is a family trait (Jaki’s Mum fell in the shower when she came to visit us some years ago and Jaki has fallen down on several occasions lately ) but I know when I’m having the wool pulled over my eyes!

So most Wednesdays I find some thing to do rather than wait around the house alone and abandoned. Usually I go to the Gym and or see my old Mate Raf.

So, when Kev suggested going out for Breakfast on a Wednesday I thought I could kill two birds with one stone and invite Raf along. They haven’t met before but I was hopeful they would gel.

Kev is really easy going, always has lots to talk about and is easy to get on with so I thought Raf would be relaxed in his company.

We called for Raf and drove up Ashley Down Rd parking some where just off the Gloucester Rd.

There are, as I’m sure you know, hundreds of good eating venues along there and I thought we would be certain to find somewhere that met our needs.

Raf is Muslim, mainly vegetarian (no Pork) though he does eat meat but not in huge quantities, prefering lentils or vegetables, whilst Kev, like me, loves nothing better than a full fat boys breakfast.

As we walked along examining the options we came to Cafe Dream, some where Raf and I have been in the past.

I think this is an Iranian Cafe so they offer an eclectic Menu which includes a Full English, Falafels, Wraps and Omelettes.

The sun was shining so plenty of people had chosen to sit on the deck at the front but we ‘Old Folks” went inside and after a bit of a Faff where I started moving chairs around unnecessarily, we were seated at a table for 4.

I ordered three cups (£1.50 each) of Tea and they were big ones in nice big cups and saucers, though I had to go hunting for sugar which I eventually found on a shelf at the back of the restaurant. there was an option for a Pot of Tea @ £3.50 but i dont know how much that held and why we weren’t given this option?

Kev and I both chose Breakfast number 1 from the menu. £10.99.

2 Eggs,2 Bacon, 1 Sausage, Hash Browns, Mushrooms Tomato, Black Pudding and Toast . Which was actually very good.

OK, If I was gonna be picky:

The Black Pudding could have done with a bit more cooking, I like mine scorched.

The Eggs were OK though Kev’s were over done.

The Sausage was a bit under cooked and they put the toast on the same plate and it was already spread with Butter (or Marg,,who knows).

But this was a really good attempt at a Full English with tasty Bacon, a well cooked Tomato and it was a good, though no large helping.

Raf was a bit harder to please. He declined the veggie breakfast and instead asked for two eggs, Beans and Mushrooms which I think all came off the extra’s menu, so was more expensive. They gave him extra white toast but he left most of it. He seemed happy enough with his choice but later realised there was an Omelette on the menu and some choices with Avocado.

Guess he just didn’t read the menu properly.

The service was a bit fickle, we had to ask for serviettes and get our own sauce from the shelf at the back. The dirty plates were left on the table way too long but they were friendly and polite.

It was very comfortable and we stayed for another round of Tea’s before it was time to leave. As we walked back toward the car Kev spotted a place that repaired Car Key Fobs. He has a KIA and the main dealer wanted £200+ to replace his remote key Fob.

So he was delighted when this little shop repaired his for £30.

So we sat in another little Cafe and drank coffee whilst his key fob was repaired.

He had an even better result later when I recommended a Paint sprayer to him and the quote he got there was £600 cheaper than the quote he was prepared to accept.

The only fault with the day was when we tried to find the car again and realised we didn’t know which street we had left it in. This meant walking up and down several different streets till we eventually found the car.

Between the three of us, we couldn’t find our way home.

Sad eh?

Oh, to be in Bristol, now that Spring is here.

Caught Up with my old mate Raf today. I haven’t seen him since before I went away, so we had a whole Month to catch up on.

I also needed some shopping in Stapleton Rd so we could kill two birds with one stone and have a catch up whilst we shopped.

Now this isn’t like Jaki when she goes shopping for clothes. She sets out at first light with the intention of visiting every shop within a 40 mile radius of Bristol. Her usual routine is to start at Point ‘A’, touch every single item as she walks past them to Point “B”. Then, when its getting dark, return to the first shop and buy the first Item she looked at.

Raf is a ‘Foodie’ in as much as he specialises in slightly quirky food that borders on the ‘healthy spectrum’.

Spotted this Photo of Raf and his Sister. This is how he looked when I first met him at Brentry Hospital back in 1969.

So, today, after visiting half a dozen Health Food shops, three Deli’s, some Vegan Food Stores and countless shop’s selling Healthy/Organic food, he bought 45pence worth of Fenugreek powder.

But I digress.

I picked him up from home but had to park some distance away as there is still major construction going on at the new railway station, which is right in front of his house and drove to Stapleton Rd, parking behind the Shal Jalal Jame Mosque a forgotten part of Bristol that has become home to dozens of old dilapidated Motor homes.

Inside Jeevan’s

Then it was a short walk across the road to Jeevan’s Pure Vegetarian Sweets and Snacks where they sell the best vegetarian Samosa’s in the WORLD. (£1 each).

Whilst I was there I picked up a copy of their take away Menu and having looked at it, I think I’m going to put in an order and treat myself to a Veggie curry one evening soon.

On the way back to the car we passed a mobile phone shop and I popped in to see if they had a leather wallet to house my new mobile phone ( my old one was stolen in Spain last week) and they did, so I was able to negotiate it down to a Tenner.

Then we headed for Gloucester Rd . Cutting through the back streets we arrived at St Andrews Park where there were plenty of parking spaces. It was a short walk through the back door of the Co-op on Gloucester Rd and out of the front door to Gloucester Rd proper.

Our first port of call was Scoopaway where they had a 300 gram jar of Organic Ghee for sale at just under £10 which I thought was a bit dear but Raf assured me was in fact cheap. So we decided to check out some other shops and see how they compared.

Our next stop was La Ruca which has an organic / Veggie food shop down stairs which hides a dark secret.

If you go through the shop and up the stairs at the back, you arrive at the “oldest Cafe” on Gloucester Rd.

It looks like it’s been wrapped in a time warp, all old mahogany furniture and bowing ceilings which sort of gives it some status in my book.

The menu offered a range of interesting meals but there was also a specials menu on the wall which grabbed our attention and I chose the Moroccan Style Lentil and Spinach Stew with Rice. £8.99.

I have to say, this was absolutely delicious and I dont quite know how they cooked their rice, but it was amazingly good mixed with the Lentil Stew. It wasn’t spicy and it didn’t have (as far as i could tell ) any Chillies in it, but boy was it tasty.

Moroccan Lentil stew

Raf went for the Soup of the day which was Lentil, Coriander, Ginger and Coconut. £4.99.

He said it was the best soup he had ever had, which is saying something.

So the food got top marks.

What was surprising though, was the Tea. £1.80 a mug. It was absolutely delicious and I asked the server what T bags they used.

She showed me the pack.

“Clipper” organic English Tea. (£4.45 in the shop down stairs).

Service was great and the staff were really friendly even though they forgot my second cup of tea as they were chatting. But hey, happy staff, happy customers I say.

As we wandered back up Gloucester road we called in to a few more shops and found Organic Ghee but in smaller jars (250 grams) at just under a Fiver, so 500 grams for a tenner.

Where as the big Jar was the same price but only held 300 grams.

So I decide to leave it for another day ( a good excuse to go out again) and went back to the car, which by now smelt beautifully of Samosa’s.

Happy days.

You just cant beat a day out in Bristol if you love food.

Cafe Dream


Most people will be taking their Wife/Girlfriend/Lover out today but I’m having none of it.

Valentines Day is in my view, just a way to exploit us and get yet more money from us and I’m not falling for it !

But dont tell Jaki.

Last year it was my turn to remember and Jaki forgot.

The year before, she remembered and I forgot.

So we haven’t been synchronised on this yet but its early doors. We have only been together for about 40 years, so it takes time to bed in.

Instead of wasting money on a card I put a very romantic message on Instagram which I know will melt her heart and she will be all over me like Small Pox when she eventually gets home.

See its Wednesday and on Wednesday she goes out with her Mum and her Sister.

They used to take Mother out to get her shopping, and that was a few hours. Now they set off at the crack of dawn, and dont get back till it’s dark. They tell me they go to the Mall and have a Coffee but even the worst service in the kingdom (see how I’m so up to date with Royalty) cant take that long surely?

So whether its Valentines day or not, Jaki is off for the day and no amount of Chocolates and Roses is going to stop her.

For my part, I tend to organise things to do on Wednesday’s, though Jaki would prefer I stayed home and got on with the list of Jobs she has pinned to the fridge. But I’m a modern man and I dont bow to that pressure. Once a month we have the Fat Boys Breakfast and if I can, I try to get that organised for a Wednesday. If not I do other stuff.

Today I arranged to visit my old mate Raf and I set off in good time to be at his house by 1030-11 but I didn’t bank on the traffic and the delays I was to encounter.

I couldn’t get through Winterbourne, then I got stuck in the lanes between Winterbourne and Hambrook so I turned around and wen through the new housing Estate being build around the UWE, which is huge. (The Tories latest ‘Cunning Plan’ is to force big towns to build more houses on Brown field sites rather than upset Middle England. Well, they have been doing that for years and it aint working. Brown field sites ar great for flats but not so good for Houses which is where the demand is).

Then I hit traffic again. When I got to Raf’s road (Station Rd ) which has always been a quiet backwater in the middle of the City, it was awash with builders vans. One side of the road was fenced off and the other blocked by parked cars.

i had to abandon my car and walk the rest of the way.

We stayed and had a cup of Tea before deciding to head to Easton where I wanted to purchase some Goat Meat to make a Goat Curry. I have been waiting weeks for my mate to give me a date when him and his wife are free to come to dinner but as yet, I’m still waiting.

So I might go ahead and cook this weekend and if they dont get back to me, we will have to eat it all ourselves.

But Traffic once again thwarted us and we couldn’t get across the M32. In fact we couldn’t get through Ashley Down. It was gridlocked, which seemed to bring out the suicide drivers who see stationary traffic as a green light to drive on the pavement. However, my near miss came with a passing scooter rider who clearly didn’t see this big black 4×4 indicating right at a mini round about, and decided to overtake.

She was so shocked she almost removed her ear buds.

We decided to abandon that and go for Plan B ( What have I said about Plan B in other blogs)?

But we couldn’t get up Ashley-down Rd. It too was gridlocked.

Eventually I sneaked down a few minor roads and got onto Muller Rd and got within walking distance of Gloucester Rd.

It was drizzling so we didn’t want to walk too far.

I suggested The Deck, a Hungarian Venue but Raf wasn’t impressed with the Menu and wanted to go to FED 313 but when we got there there was a queue out of the door and along the pavement.

So we kept on walking.

Eventually we spotted a Cafe on the other side of the road that looked interesting and we hadn’t been there before so we crossed and went in.

The Menu was up on the wall behind the counter so it couldn’t be seen from outside and i always feel a bit embarrassed going in, looking at the menu and then, walking back out, so I was pleased to see they had a good selection and plenty of stuff Raf would eat.

He is a bit picky. He is Muslim so Pork is out, he has Type 2 Diabetes so has to be a bit careful, but he is really into Healthy Eating, so he wont be satisfied with Chicken Nuggets.

We Both chose the Chicken Wrap (£7.50) with Salad and a Cup of English Tea £1.50.

We found a vacant table and sat ourselves down.

There was a large group of men sat at the table behind us drinking Tea from delicate glasses and I asked the server what they were drinking.

“Iranian Tea”. She informed me. “With Cardamon”

So I ordered a Pot of that as we had finished English Tea. (£5).

It came in a Pot that sat on a glass trivet which held a Tee Light and kept the tea piping hot. It was really good and we were told afterwards that they will top it up with more water if needed.

One of the guys on the next table told us he brought these ‘trivets’ all the way from Dubai only to find they sell them cheap as chips at Rajani’s the cash and carry joint.

The Tea was served with a plate of dates which was a lovely touch and very exotic.

When our food came I was very pleased. It looked great.

The wrap was snuggled in paper and cut in half.

The Chicken was smokey and the wrap itself had been toasted. There was a hint of chilli somewhere too. It really was the best wrap I can remember eating.

The salad was good too. Not fancy, mainly strips of Lettuce but it had been drizzled with balsamic dressing and maybe some thing spicy?

It was as good as a snack gets and we sat there drinking the hot Cardamon Tea long after the food was finished.

The venue was comfortable and we really relaxed. Staff were helpful and friendly, as were the customers, though we did raise an eyebrow when a huge guy came in with two kids. He ordered them Fish Fingers and a Chicken Nuggets from the kids menu and then proceeded to eat most of their food.

So much for a healthy diet.

When we left the rain had eased off so we strolled back up Gloucester Rd, checking out the vegetable on display and pricing up the CBD oil in the Cannabis shop.

I bought a Kilo of Goat Meat (off the bone) in Dalton’s the Butchers at the top of Gloucester Rd. We used Mike Dalton when I was mess manager on Blue watch Southmead. He was a fresh faced young Butcher who had just opened his first shop. Now he is an established face on the Horfield foodie circuit.

Whilst I was there I couldn’t resist buying a Kilo of Chicken thighs and some White Pudding (which I’ve heard a lot about but cant remember eating) so I’ve got plenty of meat but still no guests.

I wonder if that will change or will Jaki and I have to eat a Kilo of Goat Curry single handed.

Any volunteers?

A Virtual walk down Gloucester Rd. 2/8/23

Seeing as its a cold and wet, disgusting day here in Bristol we thought we would take a ‘Virtual stroll’ down Gloucester Rd and sample the range off food available in a very diverse collection of eateries.

Now we might not mention every Cafe and Restaurant but I hope we can give you a flavour of what’s on Offer.

We are gonna walk past Fish and chip shops, Chain restaurants, Kebab Houses and anywhere that doesn’t offer some thing out of the ordinary.

There was a time, many years ago when a walk ‘up’ Gloucester Rd after the pubs had kicked out (remember closing time was 10.30pm) wasn’t complete without a stop at the ‘Sun Valley’ one of the few paces in Bristol that was open late at night. You would find it packed out with drinkers all trying to soak up the beer with a huge mixed grill or a Sun Valley Kebab with Garlic salad.

However, on our imaginary stroll, we are starting at the top, Just a little way up from the Junction with Ashley Down Rd. It’s a lovely sunny day, the birds are singing and surprisingly, there is very little traffic on the road. (Pretend its Sunday Morning and all the restaurants are open) and there is some available parking.

Getting in to Bristol from home is a bit of a chore so we need a quick drink to perk us up.

The walk down Gloucester Rd will require some crossing and recrossing the road, so be mindful of traffic.

The Drapers Arms:

Isn’t a restaurant or Cafe it’s a small Pub which doesn’t look very attractive from outside but looks can be deceiving. It is next to Jeans Bistro and you can carry beer in to jeans from the Draper, or just have a drink there before. going into Jeans.

Jeans Bistro:

I’ve blogged about this Thai restaurant several times before. It is consistently good and very popular, so booking is essential but be warned, the tables out the back aren’t as good, it can get cold and the atmosphere is a bit lacking. This is a BYO but they will charge you corkage at £2.50 per person.


I’ve blogged about this place before and its not one of my favourite venues but it seems popular and has a loyal following locally.

Bushra Lounge:

Claims to be a Breakfast Turkish Restaurant that offers Halal food and a separate ‘Shisha’ Garden, though I’m not a big fan of Shisha Pipes

Burra Cafe:

Offers some interesting Breakfast Options some of which would appeal to my Girls.

Cafe Rhubarb:

I’ve eaten here on many occasion’s so you can look it up in my Breakfast Blog. It was always consistently good for a ‘Full English’ if I remember rightly, but I haven’t visited in quite a while.

Janes Asian Seafood:

This is a place Ive tried to book on several occasions and so far, I’ve been unsuccessful. I think its owned and run by the same people who run Janes Bistro further up the road. I will eventually get there.

Per Kor:

A Korean Restaurant. I know nothing about Korean food so I’m keen to try. It always looks nice inside.

The Persian Food Station:

Again Im not up on my Persian food (Iranian) though I did have a friend who was Persian and he did cook for us on several occasions, but that was back in the 1970’s so my memory is a bit vague. I remember we used to challenge each other to eat raw chillies. But that shouldn’t reflect on Persian food.

Tinto Lounge:

Is a very popular Chain which I’ve blogged about before. I used to love the one in Cotham Hill but that was primarily because it was full of students on a Sunday Morning and had a great Buzz. Sadly they closed that one down, though I dont know why?

The Deck:

Hungarian Restaurant where ive eaten Breakfast. (See Blog). They offer some quirky Breakfast Options as well as a variation on a Full English. A Bit bohemian inside.

The House:

Three years ago I slaughtered this place in a Review (it has been seen by thousands on Trip Advisor) but I’m hoping it has improved and should I go back again (if they dont recognise me) I’m hoping it will fare better. Typical English Cafe Menu.

Pinkman Cafe:

Looks like Coffee and Pastries with the odd Bacon Brioche bap thrown in. Not some where I’ve tried.

Burger Guys:

Ok so some times all you want is Burger and Chips but we decided to keep going?

Then we had a bit of a walk till we got to the next food stop. (Traffic was getting busier this morning) and Jaki started getting distracted and kept venturing into various shops.


Described as a ‘Quaint down to earth eatery ‘offering Baked goods, Cakes , Salads and Sandwiches plus Coffee.

The Hideout:

This place offers Cocktails as well as Falafel, some thing that is very popular on Gloucester Rd. A Mediterranean Breakfast plate, Shakshuka, a Maghreb [North West Africa] dish of Eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, olive oil, peppers, onion, and garlic, commonly spiced with cumin, paprika and cayenne pepper. Laksa [Laksa is a spicy noodle dish popular in Southeast Asia]. As well as a full English. Dont get this confused with The Hide out Lounge in Tortworth (see blog 13/10/21).


Sadly this venue seems to have closed.sept 2023.

Turkish Restaurant. Bit of a mixed identity in this place. They offered Greek dishes, English Items as well as Turkish Coffee and Raki, my old nemesis from my days drinking with cousin John in Crete.

Spinach and Cheese Gozleme . Turkish Dish.

Avana Lounge:

Yet another Shisha Bar offering Coffee and Cakes with some covered outdoor seating.

Boston Tea Party:

Used to be a favourite when I visited Exeter and I’ve had a Sunday Breakfast in the cafe in Stokes Croft, but its all the same so maybe not as exciting as it once was?


Is a Pizza place which looks clean and fresh inside, but it just a Pizza joint and Jaki quickly brushed it aside.

Bana Desert:

Is a little Dessert shop where you can get a take away snack Like Baklava, Milk Cake or a Chocolate Waffle, if your still hungry and want to eat on the move.

Joes Bakery:

If you want Bread, they have bread but you can also get minced pies, Croissants, and of course, Sausage rolls. Yum.

Lona Grill:

And Juice House, offers a variety of menu options from Baba Ghannouj, Shish Taouk [or Shish Tawook] which is a marinated chicken shish kebab of Ottoman origin. They also offer a mixed grill and Burger and Chips.


This is a specialist Coffee house.

Cafe Dream:

They offer. Sandwiches, Burgers Jacket Potatoes as well as a Breakfast menu including a Full English which looks great on their web site and a Brunch menu. With an outside deck you can watch the world go by and have a Fat Boys. Sadly Jaki was in no mood for Bacon.

Sidney and Eden:

I think they are fairly new as I dont recognise them and I’ve walked this route several times this year. they offer some very sophisticated cocktails and drinks in what looks like and interesting environment. This had Jakis attention.

A BYO where they serve Kerala and Punjabi dishes. Masaa Dosa, Mutton rolls, Medu Vada [ a South Indian breakfast snack made from Vigna mungo. It is usually made in a doughnut shape, with a crispy exterior and soft interior]. Fish Cutlet and a Cabbage and Carrot Thoran [Northern Kerala] is a class of dry vegetable dishes combined with coconut that originated in the Indian state of Kerala. This common dish is usually eaten with rice and curry].

Medu Vada

Then you have yourself another walk (this area is knownlocally as Pig Stye Hill) past the Buddhist Centre to the next eating venue.

World Peace Cafe:

Where you can enjoy some Vegan food in between meditation session’s. Vegetable Tagines & Dhal and Rice vie for attention between the Vegan Cherry Bakewell and a rather interesting looking Haveregrynskugle [Oat balls] a traditional Danish Christmas treat.

Bomba Tapas:

Does what it says on the Tin. Offers Tapas and judging by the reviews I’ve read, they seem to be rather good. Opened in July 2023 so this place is still finding its feet and they were still advertising for a chef at date of writing ‘to serve mouth watering Tapas dishes and great Cocktails.’ Let’s hope they find one and it lives up to expectations?

Go Go Lounge:

Mediterranean Charcoal restaurant. Meze, Lamb Ribs, kebabs, Chops, this is a meat eaters menu though they do offer some interesting sides including Okra stew and Faoulia [white beans in tomato sauce]. We used to have a programe on TV in the 60’s called ‘Disc’s a Gogo’ anyone remember that?

Street Wok:

Thai Dishes including Pad Thai (and a Vegan version) and a Vegan Penang Curry. We ate in a very similar venue to this in Bath and If I remember rightly, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Theres then a barren patch where the eateries thin out. There are a few pubs, the Grace and the Native vine where you can get some unusual wines and Ciders. But Jaki got a bit nostalgic about here. She used to work in an Estate Agents on the corner of Somerville Rd so it brought back memories.

Vegan Indian:

Vegan Curries and lots of them. From Tandoori to vegan House specials. There are some meat options, Mango Chicken and Lamb but everything else, Bread, Rice and side dishes, are all Vegan.

Yuri Bar:

A quick cocktail, perked us up no end and we were off again. Check out the Vegan Teriyaki Burger.

Salkaara Street:

Another Indian restaurant offering a selection of favourites plus some interesting additions. I’ve never heard of Bhelpuri a savoury snack originally from India, and it is also a type of chaat. It is made of puffed rice, like Rice Crispies, vegetables and a tangy tamarind sauce, and has a crunchy texture.


Nectar HouseCafe:

The menu seemed to be separated into Breakfast ( till 10 am) which included the Meaty Fry Up with sautéed Kale. A Veggie Fry up. Stuff on Toast and they also offered Brekkies and Sarnies. ‘Stacks and Stuff’. And a Brunch menu from 10am.

La Fiorentina:

Italian Restaurant with some unusual Pizza’s and lots of Pasta dishes. Outdoor seating on the Gloucester Rd,

Tin-can Coffee co:

Not really a Cafe more a Coffee bar with a selection of Hot Chocolate and snacks. But, you know a change is as good as a rest.

El Colmado:

A Spanish Deli and Tapas Bar. Croquettes, Manchego Cheese,Chorizo, Padron Peppers and Salted Almonds. Plus a selection of Olive Oil are just some of the items on offer.

Then there was another bit of a walk with a few interesting independent shops to window shop before coming to.


Think Baklava. Think Sweet sticky things. Think Turkish Coffee. Plus, Gözleme a savoury Turkish stuffed turnover. The dough is usually unleavened, and made only with flour, salt and water, but Gözleme can be made from yeast dough as well. It is similar to Bazlama, but is lightly brushed with butter or oil].

Another walk now passing Parsons Bakery and the ever busy Co-op. Scoopaways where you can get things in bulk without it being wrapped in loads of Plastic. Then we needed to cross the road again to visit one of the best Falafel places in Bristol.

Jack the Falafel:

A quirky little Vegan Cafe that has a limited menu but what they do, they do well. Salads, Jack fruit Burrito, Falafel Flatbread, Jack Fruit Curry, plus a whole range of sweet options. Get Healthy, get Jacked.

I would stay on this side of the road now and avoid Miss Millies but you will have to cross over to visit.

La Ruca:

A Family Friendly ( Veggie/Vegan) ‘day time’ Cafe that serves Global Food much of it with a Chilean, Hispanic Influence. Enchiladas, Quesadillas, and Falafel. Reviews are consistently good.

The next stretch had a few Bars, Chance & Counters which does offer some food and the famous Hob Goblin a down to earth pub which offers huge Burgers with Fries and Chicken wings, but unless you really want that sort of grub, cross the road where you will find.


An Italian Pizza Restaurant. Now Jaki isn’t a great lover of Pizza and I’m not a lover of Pasta so this wouldn’t be a stop we would usually make but it might be right up your street. I have to say the Pizzas did look good.

Cross over yet again because you dont want to miss.

Eat a Pitta:

This tiny looking Falafel restaurant with a small seating area up stairs is always busy and the queue often stretches out the door, round the corner and up Overton Rd. The falafel recipe originates from the back streets of Algiers and is 70 years old. A great little menu packed full of healthy ingredients.

Simply Thai:

A very simple and rustic BYO Thai Restaurant offering all our Thai favourites, except a Tuk Tuk Ride home.

Then its a dash across the road to sample.

Ezo Cafe Lounge:

Yet another Turkish Restaurant with a large covered deck and an open kitchen so you can watch your food being cooked.They offer a Turkish breakfast of feta, village cheese, Kashar Cheese, olives, jam, honey, Tahin Pekmez, tomato, cucumber and salami. Served with a bread bowl. Menemen. including Tomatoes, peppers, garlic, spring onion all pan sauted and seed with eggs and bread. Further down the menu there is a Bacon Breakfast which strangely is served with cucumber slices?

Ramen Ya:

A small snug venue with hanging Japanese lantern’s offering Ramen steamed buns and other traditional Japanese foods. Certainly some different options on the menu here.

There were a string of little shops which included The Food shop a small well stocked Deli, Joes Bakery, stacked with delicious bread and offering a few take away options. Before we arrived at’

The Dough Kitchen:

Not advertised as a Pizza restaurant or an Italian but they do offer a range of dough based dishes like Subs which are; – dough stretched into a Sub to create a soft Ciabatta style bread spread with butter then stuffed with different fillings. If you like it, you can even buy their dough to take home and make your own meals. Jaki would hate this (doesn’t like bread, doesn’t like Pizza) so she wants to rush on by to……..


A Fish and Seafood restaurant that also offers Steak wine and cocktails. Palomar Fish Pie, Pan Fried Cornish Sole or, Spanish Arroz Negro’ Chargrilled Octopus tentacles cooked in Squid ink, black Rice and Saffron Alioli. I’m gonna have trouble getting her out of here!

Korean restaurant. Again I know nothing about this type of food but the menu is on line so you can look in awe at dishes with names like. La Galbi Dubbap. [Beef rib marinated in Soy Sauce] and Pork Bulgogi [Pork in BBQ Chilli Sauce]. The Menu is really helpful as it tells you quite clearly what all the dishes are, I really want to try this one.

Inside it looks a bit like an old 1950’s American Diner, like the Fonz used to hang out in. Ice cream, Fudge, Chocolate and Toffee are all interchanged in a swirl of colours and flavours I know a small Boy that would love this place. Oh, and a Sister too!

As we neared the end of our walk we were both knackered and stuffed to the Gill’s, what we needed was a sit down and relax .

Future Leap:

I’ve eaten here in the past and it was a bit confusing. It’s a cross between a Hot desk Office and a Cafe. There were lots of people networking at the low coffee tables. Having meetings in the private back room whilst other were working on their lap tops, sipping coffee and eating sandwiches and pastries. It had a pleasant buzz but I dont think this is some where I would chose to eat. It was too work orientated. Its a big space though and will suit many people.

That took us to the end of our virtual Journey down Gloucester road. At this point it joins Cheltenham Rd which in itself has a whole host of fantastic eateries on offer. I hope it has inspired you to get your walking shoes on and go try these places for yourselves.

If Jaki is up to it, I may take her on a virtual stroll along Cheltenham Road and into the famous (or is it notorious) Stokes Croft area of Bristol before the end of the Summer.

Those of you that follow my Fat Boys Breakfast Blog will know some of the venues in Stokes Croft but there are always new and interesting developments and some fantastic old favourites.

I hope you will come with us next time?

Now, where is that bus pass?

NB: I have highlighted my Must try venues, One Kerelan that my friends Dot and Ann recommend and the Korean, simply because its different. But I have also highlighted Areeshaz Desserts as Im sure a young Blake would love a trip there with his Grandad?

Kandyan Restaurant. Saturday 25th Jan 2020

405 Gloucester Road
Bristol, BS7 8TS

0117 942 0250


Georgia agreed to take Jaki and I out for dinner as a Birthday present (or it might have been a Fathers Day present, I cant remember) so I booked the Kandyan for Saturday night.

I haven’t eaten Sri Lankan food before so I was keen to give it a try.

Georgia and Fraser were more familiar with the food having spent 5 weeks in the country Christmas 2018.

Their report suggested Lankan food was interesting but it soon became repetitive and they were bored with the menu by the end of the holiday, in fact they sought out fast food like Burger King and Pizza as a way of varying their diet.

Our experience of traveling round India was completely different, in the area we stayed it was predominantly vegetarian due to the religious beliefs of the people but we rarely had two meals the same.

It was a bit strange to be eating spicy food for breakfast but we soon got used to that.

So, Booking the Kandyan was a bit of  gamble but I guess thats the job of a food blogger, ‘to boldly go where no Man (or Woman) has gone before’ and seek out new Life forms food.

So I ‘Googled’ the restaurant and looked at its web page which looked promising and then read some of the reviews which  confirmed this as a place worth visiting.

I made a bit of a hash of the booking as it only opens on an evening so when i called to make the booking, they were closed and stupidly i forgot to write down the phone number. But the contact details are all on their web site so I gave them a call one evening and made the booking.

I put the entry in the diary on my phone but again forgot to enter the time of the booking so when inevitably I was asked  “What time are we booked for” my phone told me half past five.

School Boy errors.

Not a mistake Jay Rayner would make.

Since I’ve given up drinking I seem to have become the resident Uber driver for the Hendy Family so I was pleased to accept Frasers offer of a lift in his new super duper Mercedes, though I did have some fears about his driving.

The Mercedes has an ‘Eco’ setting and a ‘Sports’ setting.

If it were my car it would be permanently in ‘Eco’ however Fraser prefers the ‘Sports’ !

The first issue with this restaurant is its location on the busy Gloucester Rd in Bristol and as a result, the parking. There is always somewhere to park but it might not be outside the door and in the winter even a short walk can be a pain.

We managed to park relatively closely (5 minute walk even for me) though predictably there was an available space almost opposite the restaurant!

Gloucester Rd was busy as were many of the Cafes and restaurants that vie for trade in this area.

We walked past Jeans Bistro, a great Thai restaurant and The Drapers Arms both full of customers who seemed to be enjoying the warmth and atmosphere, like plants in a Terrarium, on this wet and miserable night.

Even outside was busy with the usual street people, arguing amongst themselves whilst sharing some White Lightning or a can of Special Brew.

When we got to the restaurant it was extremely busy and most tables were full, with people sitting at high stools in the window.

I had emailed earlier in the day and confirmed the booking so i was a bit concerned when they didn’t seem to have us on the list and then when there was obviously some confusion about our table.

I think there was a party sat at our table who were expected to leave before we arrived and hadn’t so we were seated at another table, which was probably in a nicer position at the front of house.

The venue inside is comfortable with good seating though the space between tables was a bit tight so getting in and out to the loo required some delicate manoeuvres.

inside Kandyan

The walls were hung with Lanka art works some of which were quite attractive though I don’t know if it was for sale?

Lankan art

There were a lot of people coming and going and unfortunately several groups were turned away for not having booked.

It took some time before one of the waiters approached ( think perhaps it was the owner Sam who seemed to be a bit stressed, perhaps success has come with some baggage) and provided us with menus.

One of the Servers

There was the standard menu, a specials menu (that was slightly more expensive?) and a drinks menu.

We ordered a bottle of Long Coast a Cabernet Sauvignon (£21)  which was a bit too rich for me and I preferred to water it down with some drinking water plus a bottle of Chalk Bay a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand (£21) which the girls drank.

Interestingly this sells at £7.99 a bottle from Majestic wines.

We didn’t finish either bottle so we brought them home with us.

Long Coast Red

Bottled water was on the table free of charge.

It took us quite a while to decide on our choices which worked out well as there was quite a wait before the server came back to take our order.

As the menu was new and unfamiliar we wanted to try as many items as possible so Georgia and I ordered the Plain Hopper:(£3)

The most famous Sri Lankan snack.

It’s a bowl shaped crispy pancake, slightly soggy in the middle made from a fermented mix of Coconut milk and seasoned Rice flour.

It comes served with ‘Seeni Sambol or ‘Sugar Sambol’ (thinly sliced onion with Tamarind, salt Spices, chilli powder and lots of sugar) and Lunu Miris made from Red Onion, Chilli powder, crushed Red Peppers, smoked and dried Maldive Fish and Lime Juice. In Sri Lanka each Family has its own special recipe for making this relish.

One of these pastes was very hot (chilli wise) so the expectation for the main course grew considerably given the menu itself suggested most curries were mild!

Jaki went for the Fish Cutlets (£3.80) and Fraser for the Chicken Cutlets both of which can come shaped as balls, Triangles or rolled. When they arrived there was some confusion about which dish was which and they were passed back and forward between Jaki and Fraser until they were happy they had the right one (which was how the server had delivered them in the first place) with Jaki having Fish Balls and Frasers Chicken Triangles.

Both are made using spicy potato, onion, fresh veg crumbed which is deep fried.

My Hopper was interesting, like a cold pancake and the filling was tasty but now Ive tried them, I probably wont be rushing back for seconds.

The Cutlets were far tastier.

The main course was a real problem to chose as it all looked good.

Fraser knew straight away he was going for the Devilled Beef  (£9.50) with Devilled Potato which he remembered from his trip and he was keen to sample again. The waiter seemed excited by this choice which suggested it was going to be really spicy, which, as it turned out wasn’t the case. It was very good and with Hindsight was probably my favourite of all the choices. Fried with bell pepper, onion, capsicum and spices it certainly delivered on flavour but I was a bit disappointed with the Devilled Potato (£3.50) which reminded me of the Bombay Aloo they give away free with our Indian Take away.

Jaki and I chose the Pork with Mango curry and perhaps we should have taken advantage of the offer (on the menu) to make any dish hotter on request. Sadly this didnt do it for me.

The chunks of  Leg of Pork were nicely cooked and very tender but the sauce (Curry) was weak and watery (Georgia tells me all the curries were like this on their trip) with almost no taste and I just couldn’t get the taste of fresh Mango?

The rice though was good and I really enjoyed my Aromatic Rice £3.20 (with Cinnamon and Cloves) though it had plenty of cashew nuts mixed in so be ware anyone with a Nut allergy. Jaki’s Plain Basmati Rice (£3.00) was fine but it was a bit plain given the lack of Flavour in the curry.

Served on the plate
served up with rice

Georgia went for the Brinjal and Pineapple Sweet Curry. (£9.20)

Fried Aubergine with Fresh Pine apple with Jaggery/ Palm Sugar. However, this was very sweet and on its own it was very sickly. Luckily these dishes were made for sharing so she mixed hers with some of the Pork and Beef which took the edge off it.

Brinjal curry and Pineapple
Brinjal curry . Sweet Aubergines

This dish was too sweet on its own, however as a compliment to other curries, it was fantastic.

On the down side, I asked for some Chutney but I didn’t realise they would charge £1.75 for what was a desert spoon full, which seems a bit mean spirited?

Fraser also ordered Mallung of the day (£5.50) which is a mixture of various greens and salad leaves finely chopped with raw onion though I thought his dish had a few chopped nuts and some Coconut too?

These dishes all come in small bowls and when they first arrived I though the portions were a bit small however, none of us took up the offer of extra Curry or Rice at no extra charge. We were all stuffed full.

So how do I feel about Sri Lankan food and the Kandyan Restaurant in particular?

I enjoyed my visit, I enjoyed the food.

I like the venue and we will go back again.

However, the Jury is still out for me on Sri Lankan food.

I think I prefer the deeper flavours of Thai Food,.

Sri Lankan curries for me are a bit thin, a bit too weak, but next time I will ask for extra Chilli and that may make all the difference.

Rhubarb Cafe. 17th November 2014

Rhubarb Cafe

388 Gloucester Rd



No web Site but a Facebook page.

My partner had an appointment at Southmead Hospital and as anyone who has been to the new Hospital will tell you, parking is a nightmare.

So i dropped her off and agreed to wait till she was ready for collection.

I drove down to Gloucester Road where i knew id find a nice Cafe and a Daily Paper.

There were several Cafe’s in the immediate area and i chose Rhubarb primarily because it already had a few customers and the opposition didnt.

Upper floor
Upper floor

When i went in i realised there are two levels, one at street level and another (where the cooking is done) which is accessed by a flight of steps. The upper level was warm and slightly steamy. Unfortunately the only two tables were already taken and there was the general murmur of conversation. Down stairs was barren.

I placed an order for the Full Breakfast, with Tea (£7.35) without looking at the menu or making any other enquiries, before heading for the toilets.

This was a bit disappointing as there was no hot water available and once i’d washed (in cold water) there were no hand towel’s so i wasn’t able to dry my hands. It would have been almost impossible to access these facilities for disabled visitors.

I made my way back down to the lower level and chose a table.

Lower level
Lower level

The seating was very comfortable (though my table was a bit cramped) with a view of the Gloucester Rd, though the pretty little display of flowers on each table couldn’t make up for the cold draft swirling round my legs and i longed for some additional heating. Eating with your coat on is a real turn off.

The food took a while but the pot of tea soon arrived and i took the chance to read my paper though I was unable to avoid listening to the conversation of the ladies on the table above me who were intent on ‘out-doing’ one another with tales of recent Illnesses, procedure’s and their experiences at the hands of various Surgeon’s.

Guess this is one of the ‘Perks’ of being close to a large Hospital?

The tea was good and it all came in a matching set though it was just about a cup full so the need for a tea pot seemed a bit pointless.

Full English
Full English

When the food came it looked great, laid out on square white plates, it was piping hot and the toast was on a separate plate which i like, though im not sure there was a choice of bread and It was already spread with butter which might be an issue if you don’t want Dairy?

Two good rashers of bacon, two fried eggs, fried potato, sausage, a well cooked tomato, some fresh mushrooms, Black Pudding and a portion of baked beans filled the plate nicely.

This was a good breakfast, reasonably priced.

If only it had been warmer i would have stayed longer and maybe bought a second cup of tea?

Worth a visit.

NB. When i passed this venue on the 31st January 2015 it appeared to be closed down?