
Well first and foremost, welcome back.

I know it’s been months since I last tasted a fry up and its been ages since I told you about it but, I have been “On Me Holidays”.

The Current Mrs ND and I took ourselves off to Spain for a month (i know but thats the beauty of a Fire fighters Pension) where we stuffed ourselves with Calamari and Tapa. If you have been following my other Blog.”Bill and Jaki go Traveling” you will already know that.

If you haven’t, then why not?

On our return I organised a meet with our old friends, Cary and Rachel. It was Cary’s Birthday on Sunday the 2nd June so I wanted to meet up with him and wish him, Happy Birthday. But also, Rachel hasn’t been well lately and we wanted to see how she was and cheer her up a bit, as only I know how!

I wanted a venue that wasn’t too far for them to drive and it had to be wheel chair accessible so Rachel could manage it. It also had to have a modern eclectic menu rather than just a Full English, so I started looking.

After a few false starts I settled on the Hideout at Tortworth.

Unit 4 Tortworth business park, Wotton-under-Edge, United Kingdom

Now those of you who follow religiously (I am considering applying to make this a recognised Faith Group) you will remember I visited this venue once before in October 2021 with the Fat Boys.

But these places can change so there was no guarantee it would be as good ( or as bad) as it was 3 years ago.

I checked on line and the menu looked good if a little similar.

So I emailed and booked a table.

When Jaki and I arrived we were a bit disappointed to learn they had no table reservation for us even though (KIm) they had confirmed.

But they soon found us a table and we ordered a Pot of Tea and a Flat White coffee whilst we waited for Cary and Rachel to arrive. I was a bit worried they wouldn’t be able to find it as its a bit off the beaten track but I underestimated them and they soon pulled up in the spacious car park.

I couldn’t get the lid off the Pot so I couldn’t stir my Tea.

The Menu did offer a few surprise options and I was tempted to deviate from the full English and try something unusual. But I have been away for a Month and I was craving a fry up, so I stuck with my original decision and went for the Hideout Breakfast at £14 with extra Toast.

Where is the Black Pudding Hiding?

Two rashers of well done Bacon, two meaty Cumberland Sausages, Two nicely fried Free Range eggs, some Tasty Saute Mushrooms, a portion of Saute Potatoes, a huge hunk of Sourdough Toast. Lightly Toasted which means it isn’t like chewing razor blades.

And finally, a Pot of Beans.

However, the menu says a ‘Tomato and Black Pudding’, though I cant remember eating Black Pudding and if that’s the case, that was a serious omission. I have scrutinised the photo, but I cannot see a `black Pudding hiding anywhere, can you?

However, there definitely wasn’t any Tomato!

They also put the toast and the pats of Butter on the same plate which made it cluttered and melted the Butter. They brought the extra Toast on a separate plate which made it easier.

The Birthday boy chose the Mini Breakfast £10 with a Tea and a Glass of Fresh Orange Juice.

There was a Bottle of Water on the table for those that wanted it.

Whilst the girls got really adventurous.

Jaki had the Moroccan Smashed Avocado £13 which was fine but there was just too much Mushroom which overpowered everything else and she left a pile of Mushrooms on the side of her plate.

Rachel chose the Bacon and Smashed Avo at £14 and that was just about right, though if I was really critical, The Bacon was a bit too well done for my taste. It looked like it had been cooked, then kept warm.

The venue is excellent. Nice comfortable seating . Big spacious tables, plenty of space in between the customers so you didn’t have to listen to other peoples conversations.

There is outdoor seating for those hardy souls who want to freeze to death and a partially covered areas that I assume allow for smoking?

I didn’t see any Dogs in the Cafe, but maybe I just got lucky.

Service was friendly and helpful and I got the impression our server was invested in the Cafe, which is always nice.

So, in summary this could have been a contender for the best breakfast in 2024.

But, losing our booking and missing items off the plate have cost them dearly.

This is a top end venue in terms of cost so my expectations were high and they didn’t quite reach it.

Maybe next time?

NB: I emailed the cafe and sent them a picture of my breakfast and asked for an explanation why items were missing.

Initially they responded and said “ some one on the table asked to have no black pudding and no Tomato and they gave me that breakfast by mistake”.

However, I pointed out I was the only one on our table who ordered a full breakfast. Then they said it was their mistake and I should have raised it at the time.

If I go again they say to let them know and they will compensate.

But here’s the thing.

They are suggesting it’s up to the customer to check all items are on the plate not the chef or staff,

Very poor.

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