Cafe Dream


Most people will be taking their Wife/Girlfriend/Lover out today but I’m having none of it.

Valentines Day is in my view, just a way to exploit us and get yet more money from us and I’m not falling for it !

But dont tell Jaki.

Last year it was my turn to remember and Jaki forgot.

The year before, she remembered and I forgot.

So we haven’t been synchronised on this yet but its early doors. We have only been together for about 40 years, so it takes time to bed in.

Instead of wasting money on a card I put a very romantic message on Instagram which I know will melt her heart and she will be all over me like Small Pox when she eventually gets home.

See its Wednesday and on Wednesday she goes out with her Mum and her Sister.

They used to take Mother out to get her shopping, and that was a few hours. Now they set off at the crack of dawn, and dont get back till it’s dark. They tell me they go to the Mall and have a Coffee but even the worst service in the kingdom (see how I’m so up to date with Royalty) cant take that long surely?

So whether its Valentines day or not, Jaki is off for the day and no amount of Chocolates and Roses is going to stop her.

For my part, I tend to organise things to do on Wednesday’s, though Jaki would prefer I stayed home and got on with the list of Jobs she has pinned to the fridge. But I’m a modern man and I dont bow to that pressure. Once a month we have the Fat Boys Breakfast and if I can, I try to get that organised for a Wednesday. If not I do other stuff.

Today I arranged to visit my old mate Raf and I set off in good time to be at his house by 1030-11 but I didn’t bank on the traffic and the delays I was to encounter.

I couldn’t get through Winterbourne, then I got stuck in the lanes between Winterbourne and Hambrook so I turned around and wen through the new housing Estate being build around the UWE, which is huge. (The Tories latest ‘Cunning Plan’ is to force big towns to build more houses on Brown field sites rather than upset Middle England. Well, they have been doing that for years and it aint working. Brown field sites ar great for flats but not so good for Houses which is where the demand is).

Then I hit traffic again. When I got to Raf’s road (Station Rd ) which has always been a quiet backwater in the middle of the City, it was awash with builders vans. One side of the road was fenced off and the other blocked by parked cars.

i had to abandon my car and walk the rest of the way.

We stayed and had a cup of Tea before deciding to head to Easton where I wanted to purchase some Goat Meat to make a Goat Curry. I have been waiting weeks for my mate to give me a date when him and his wife are free to come to dinner but as yet, I’m still waiting.

So I might go ahead and cook this weekend and if they dont get back to me, we will have to eat it all ourselves.

But Traffic once again thwarted us and we couldn’t get across the M32. In fact we couldn’t get through Ashley Down. It was gridlocked, which seemed to bring out the suicide drivers who see stationary traffic as a green light to drive on the pavement. However, my near miss came with a passing scooter rider who clearly didn’t see this big black 4×4 indicating right at a mini round about, and decided to overtake.

She was so shocked she almost removed her ear buds.

We decided to abandon that and go for Plan B ( What have I said about Plan B in other blogs)?

But we couldn’t get up Ashley-down Rd. It too was gridlocked.

Eventually I sneaked down a few minor roads and got onto Muller Rd and got within walking distance of Gloucester Rd.

It was drizzling so we didn’t want to walk too far.

I suggested The Deck, a Hungarian Venue but Raf wasn’t impressed with the Menu and wanted to go to FED 313 but when we got there there was a queue out of the door and along the pavement.

So we kept on walking.

Eventually we spotted a Cafe on the other side of the road that looked interesting and we hadn’t been there before so we crossed and went in.

The Menu was up on the wall behind the counter so it couldn’t be seen from outside and i always feel a bit embarrassed going in, looking at the menu and then, walking back out, so I was pleased to see they had a good selection and plenty of stuff Raf would eat.

He is a bit picky. He is Muslim so Pork is out, he has Type 2 Diabetes so has to be a bit careful, but he is really into Healthy Eating, so he wont be satisfied with Chicken Nuggets.

We Both chose the Chicken Wrap (£7.50) with Salad and a Cup of English Tea £1.50.

We found a vacant table and sat ourselves down.

There was a large group of men sat at the table behind us drinking Tea from delicate glasses and I asked the server what they were drinking.

“Iranian Tea”. She informed me. “With Cardamon”

So I ordered a Pot of that as we had finished English Tea. (£5).

It came in a Pot that sat on a glass trivet which held a Tee Light and kept the tea piping hot. It was really good and we were told afterwards that they will top it up with more water if needed.

One of the guys on the next table told us he brought these ‘trivets’ all the way from Dubai only to find they sell them cheap as chips at Rajani’s the cash and carry joint.

The Tea was served with a plate of dates which was a lovely touch and very exotic.

When our food came I was very pleased. It looked great.

The wrap was snuggled in paper and cut in half.

The Chicken was smokey and the wrap itself had been toasted. There was a hint of chilli somewhere too. It really was the best wrap I can remember eating.

The salad was good too. Not fancy, mainly strips of Lettuce but it had been drizzled with balsamic dressing and maybe some thing spicy?

It was as good as a snack gets and we sat there drinking the hot Cardamon Tea long after the food was finished.

The venue was comfortable and we really relaxed. Staff were helpful and friendly, as were the customers, though we did raise an eyebrow when a huge guy came in with two kids. He ordered them Fish Fingers and a Chicken Nuggets from the kids menu and then proceeded to eat most of their food.

So much for a healthy diet.

When we left the rain had eased off so we strolled back up Gloucester Rd, checking out the vegetable on display and pricing up the CBD oil in the Cannabis shop.

I bought a Kilo of Goat Meat (off the bone) in Dalton’s the Butchers at the top of Gloucester Rd. We used Mike Dalton when I was mess manager on Blue watch Southmead. He was a fresh faced young Butcher who had just opened his first shop. Now he is an established face on the Horfield foodie circuit.

Whilst I was there I couldn’t resist buying a Kilo of Chicken thighs and some White Pudding (which I’ve heard a lot about but cant remember eating) so I’ve got plenty of meat but still no guests.

I wonder if that will change or will Jaki and I have to eat a Kilo of Goat Curry single handed.

Any volunteers?

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