Monthly Archives: January 2016

Thornes Farm. Wetherspoons Yate Near Bristol.

Thornes Farm. (Wetherspoons) .Yate, Bristol

7th January 2016

Dropped in here on a Thursday morning as I’ve been in Thailand over Christmas and New Year and though Thai food is fantastic, I really looked forward to my first Fry Up.

My mate Steve didn’t need much encouragement to join me and we’d been promising ourselves a visit to Wetherspoons for some time.

Everyone knows the reputation Wetherspoon’s has. Cheap beers, cheap food with choice and quality, so there were high expectations about the Brekkie.

Ive only tried it once when i was living in Nailsea and it was a disappointment

It was very busy and we had put our order in and waited. And Waited.

We saw what looked like our meal delivered to a table where no one was sat. After a while we asked about our grub which prompted some serious discussion amongst the servers who realised they had delivered our food to an empty table.

Their solution? Get the breakfast from the wrong table and plonk it on ours, freezing cold and congealing. No apology, no reduction in the price and no attempt to re-heat.

Not what you would expect, but hey.

So, we ordered one Large breakfast and one Traditional breakfast plus two mugs of Tea. All for under a tenner. Result.

The environment is very JD. Comfortable, a bit worn around the edges (probably due to the large volume of customers) but with everything you need for a nice Brunch.

There were plenty of pensioners taking advantage and a good selection of builders, always a good sign of value for money.
I was surprised to see a group drinking Lager at this time in the morning but i don’t suppose that’s too unusual.

Our Tea’s came, quickly followed by our grub and it looked good.

3 x slices of Bacon, two rather ordinary Sausage’s, two Eggs (one too well done, the Yolk was hard). Two Hash Brown’s, Two full rounds of Toast (sadly plonked on the plate). Half a fresh Tomato, one Mushroom and some where underneath, some Baked Beans.

There were two knobs of butter, again served up on the plate.

The plates by the way are very attractive and a bit old fashioned but a nice touch. Pity they don’t match the Mugs?

Everything was reasonably well cooked though It looked a bit mass produced but it tasted fine and there wasn’t too much fat floating around.

We chatted for ages, catching up on Christmas and New Year, and ordered two more mug’s of tea to keep us going.

Before we left Steve used the Loo and commented that it was a long way to go, which is often the case in a Wetherspoons, though i think theres a disabled on the ground floor.

So, well worth a visit, reasonably priced, reasonable service, reasonable food and value for money.