The Boston Tea Party. Sunday 9th November 2014

Boston Tea Party

156 Cheltenham Rd


Having worked all week without a break we decided that Sunday would be R&R.

So, up early we set off for Gloucester Rd confident we would find some where for a nice leisurely brunch, preferably outside as the sun was shining, where we could read the papers before taking a stroll some where pleasant.

That was the plan.

In reality we drove down Gloucester Rd and found most places still closed and the ones that were open were either in the shade or had Saturday Night Revellers getting over their hang overs.

By the time we reached the bottom of Gloucester Rd we were so close to Stokes Croft it seemed silly not to keep going. We had on a previous trip fancied the Runcible Spoon, so we decided to head there.

We wasted a bit of time finding some where to park and we were some what confused at the road lay out at the bottom of 9 Tree Hill as its lets you drive in, but won’t let you out. Try it when your bored. I mean really bored.

Once we got to the Runcible a sign on the door informed us they were open from mid day and as it was only about 1000hrs we were back to square one.

So we headed for the Bristolian a small Cafe in Picton Street that we’ve used before. But thats going backward and in order to keep the Blog Fresh we needed ‘Pastures New’.

So we headed for the Boston Tea Party a place I first discovered in Exeter when i was working.

When we arrived it looked like they’d just opened, there was one older guy sat at a table but no one else.

Inside the BTP
Inside the BTP

We were a bit hesitant as there was no ‘Sunday Morning Buzz’ like there is at the Deco Lounge on Cotham Hill (which is one of my favourites) but the thought of going without food any longer was too much to bear, so we sourced the Sunday Paper’s (Observer plus supplement’s) some Menu’s and put in an order for tea and coffee.

I was surprise I wasn’t allowed to open a Tab and had to pay immediately, especially as I was back almost instantly to order the food.

I went for The Boss. Bacon, Sausage, Hogs Pudding, Mushrooms, Roast new potatoes, Tomato, Scrambled Egg (no Choice) Baked Beans and 2 rounds of Toast at a whopping £9.50 not including Tea. This came in a square enamel bowl which was a bit quirky but did very little to improve the meal.

The Boss
The Boss

Jaki went for Chorizo Hash with Poached Eggs, Mushrooms, Spinach and tomatoes. (£7.25) This was very tasty and luckily for me she was unable to finish so I was able to help her out.

Chorizo Hash
Chorizo Hash

By the time we’d finished our meal the place was starting to fill up. The Patio outside had attracted several young families with Kids as well as the usual smokers and the queue to order now stretched out of the door.

We wanted another Tea and Coffee but there was no way I was going to stand in that queue.


The seating wasn’t the most comfortable (metal slatted chairs designed for outdoors and the odd wooden chair reminiscent of Sunday school) so we decided to find some where a little more relaxed to finish off the morning and moved a few doors up to The Social which had some over stuffed leather seating that had our name’s on it.

Leather Seats in The Social.
Leather Seats in The Social.

Here we purchased more Tea and Coffee, found another copy of the Observer and settled down for a good read.

Coffee in the Social
Coffee in the Social

In summary the Boss was a good size breakfast, nicely cooked, interestingly presented but rather expensive. Hogs pudding was, well a Hogs Breakfast. I wouldn’t rush to have it again. The Square Enamel plate was interesting but didn’t contribute much and I prefer the toast to be on the side with butter available. I don’t think I was offered any choice of bread but there are a range of options on the menu as an additional side dish.

Scrambled Eggs aren’t my favourite and I would have preferred fried.

If we came back I think I’d go for the Chorizo Hash with Extra bacon.

But I hate not having enough tea to see the meal through.

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