Magnolia Mews

This is a local Cafe in Frampton Cotterell that has had several different names over the years . I visited when they first opened as Magnolia Mews but in the past it was The Gingerbreadman but before that it was Truly Scrumptious.

Or as we locals called it. Betty’s Tea shop.

I didn’t intend to visit today, I had intended to take my Daughter and the Grand Kids to the Viaduct Cafe but she refused saying the food there was “Horrible”.

Apparently she went fairly recently (though couldn’t remember when) and it was horrible.

I’m surprised as the feed back I’ve had has been very positive, since the new owner (or management) took over. But she was insistent so we set of to Daisy Chain the local Deli come Cafe, which according to the internet was open until 2pm. However, when we got there, it was closed.

Which is how we ended up at Magnolia Mews.

At first glance this place looks lovely, very twee with a Garland of artificial flowers around the door and some pretty (if slightly frigid) tables and chairs outside in the sunshine.

The initial problem with this venue is parking. There is a big parking space in front but it gets full very quickly and cars are parked one behind the other which means frequently having to leave your food to move your car.

There were plenty of people sat outside and when we went in, most tables were taken.

Luckily there was a big table available so we took that, grabbed three menu’s from the counter and sat down. The kids were hungry so they were a bit restless, a bit noisy but happy enough.

We put our order in at the counter where three young Ladies were managing the activities.

Then we waited.

After an inordinate amount of time the first cup of Tea came in a nice big cup and saucer with a Yorkshire T bag still in the cup. Milk came in a small jug on the side. Sugar cubes were in a sealed jar on the table.

Then a Coffee came though Georgia didn’t drink it as it was Luke warm when it arrived and soon got cold. Then the last cup of Tea arrived.

Then we waited again.

By now the kids were unsettled and we had to keep them entertained with a few Toys we found in the Cafe and lots of imagination.

Eventually Georgia went to the counter and asked how long the food would be?

That seemed to prompt some movement and the Kids food appeared.

It was a strange but interesting combination ( there were other choices) but this offered a variety of Sandwiches, Fruit, Veg, Cake and savoury items so some thing for every child.

After a short wait Georgias Mozzarella, Pesto and Tomato Panini arrived. (£7.95). It looked a bit flat and uninspiring to me but she seemed happy with it. Though the salad was less than munificent.

Jaki’s Tea Cake arrived next but strangely they forgot the Jam and served this with a pat of Flora Margarine?

The actual Tea Cake itself was completely underwhelming, missing one of the ingredients and once again it was served Cold. A total; failure all round.

Finally my Full English came . A lady from the kitchen came out and suggested we would get complimentary drinks. I assume as compensation for the delay?

It looked good. It was nicely presented and the actual ingredients looked good quality.

Two thick sliced, nicely cooked rashers of Bacon.

Two very good Sausages.

A large nicely cooked, tasty Mushroom.

Two well cooked Eggs, soft Yolk and completely cooked whites.

Two good size crispy Hash Browns and a rather small slice of toast. sadly they served the two Knobs of butter on top of the Toast, so when I opened the foil, the butter had melted and run everywhere.

Tomatoes on the vine and a Pot of ‘cold’ Baked Beans completed the meal.

This looked like a great Breakfast at £11.95 but it was only luke warm.

Surprisingly many of the seats were now badly stained and I didn’t like the idea of sitting on the worst of them.

When it came time to pay there was no suggestion of free drinks and we didn’t challenge them.

Our lassitude got the better of us and we decided to leave and not bother coming back.

Pity really because looking at the reviews left by other customers, ours seems to be the exception to the rule. But there seems to be a lack of leadership with lots of young ladies front of house but we couldn’t see how things were working in the kitchen and I think they were overwhelmed and couldn’t cope with the demand.

Pity really as we all want a thriving cafe in the village.

It just isn’t this one.

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